You know how you read about women who say, “My husband just left it out for me to sign and I didn’t read it.” I used to be scornful and think it was a poor excuse for fraud or insider dealing or whatever the husband was accused of and the wife dragged into but now I am not so sure.
After our skiing holiday we needed to put in an insurance claim for the lost skis. Mr. Waffle kindly did the paperwork and I signed and signed. I came into the kitchen one evening and saw yet more paperwork and picked up a pen and signed. As I was half way through, Mr. Waffle came into the kitchen and said, “Why are you signing the recipe I’ve printed out for tonight’s dinner?” It turns out a combination of shortsightedness and inattention is sufficient to trap the unwary.
How are your children not exploiting this?
Maybe they are. Disturbing thought.