The other night, Mr. Waffle and I were sitting
in (as opposed to the evenings we are out tripping the light fantastic) and it
was bucketing rain ouside.
Me: Is there anything nicer than sitting inside
warm, dry and comfy when itÂ’s cold and wet outside?
Him (pause): Well, the entire tourism and
leisure industries are predicated on the belief that, in fact, there is.
on 26 October 2005 at 12:40

Sweetie(s) given
on 26 October 2005 at 19:31

Sweetie(s) given
on 27 October 2005 at 11:24

Sweetie(s) given
on 28 October 2005 at 23:51
Where did you find him ?

Sweetie(s) given
on 03 November 2005 at 11:27

Sweetie(s) given
In hospital, people were constantly sticking
needles into me. One nurse said
“Vous avez des veines comme un bûcheron”. I asked Mr. Waffle why they would say that I had veins like a cork (comme
un bouchon). He looked surprised then
asked “could it have been “comme un bûcheron?’” Ah yes, that was it, what does that
mean? “Like a woodcutter”. Fantastic, kick the patient when she’s down.
on 27 October 2005 at 11:21
Kristin, indeed..

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