It is Lent. The children have brought their Trócaire boxes home from school. Michael instantly deposited his entire savings of €15 in the box. I suggested that he might like to give a percentage of his savings but no, with tears in his eyes he told me that “these children really need it”. As Mr. Waffle said, there is a reason why they distribute Trócaire boxes in schools, not workplaces.
Michael has given up the computer for Lent it may kill him. Daniel has given up Fifa 14 but this is not the sacrifice it might be as we also have Fifa 13.
It’s a good thing he’s given up the computer, so he can’t google the pay of Trócaire’s chief executive.
Don’t be such a cynic, M. Slightly to my horror, Trócaire picked this post up on twitter and said to “tell Michael, thank you”. Michael is very pleased, though.
Apologies for my cynicism. I used to work for a charity, and I take a jaundiced view of some of their fundraising tactics. Having said this, I have friends who worked for Trócaire in Sri Lanka and spoke very highly of the work they did there. I am naturally very impressed by Michael’s generosity, and glad that it has been suitably appreciated by Trócaire.
Well, I am relieved, MT, that someone is speaking positively about charities’ work all the same…