I was cycling along a quiet road while also using my phone. A passing motorist stopped in the middle of the road and got out of her car to upbraid me. Feeling slightly guilty, I stood there by the side of the road meekly apologising as this threatening middle aged woman roared at me.
To my amazement, a passing young woman in her little beanie hat interposed herself between me and the driver and said, “Leave her alone, stop shouting at her.” Then she turned to me and said, “Are you alright?” as the vanquished dragon drove off still seething. I was very touched. As someone pointed out to me later she probably thought I was a little old lady who needed to be defended.
Abuse about cycling while phoning in the comments please.
No abuse needed. You’re not piloting over a ton of deadly metal around, you can do what you want. Certainly not illegal in the UK, don’t know about the Republic
No, it’s not illegal but it does attract social opprobrium. Not usually verbal abuse though.