The 46A bus in Dublin is being discontinued. The petitions to retain it, the news coverage, the discussion by local elected representatives and the half page article in today’s Irish Times all strike me as a bit excessive. Mr. Waffle commented to his sister in London that he is hoping for a coffee table book by Irish Times commentator Fintan O’Toole (lamenting the loss of the route) and explaining how things would be better if Fintan were in charge. Just in case you’re wondering, this bus route is being replaced by, apparently, faster more frequent buses on the same route (although you will have to change buses, a subject of much discussion).

The 46A also features in the chorus of hit Bagatelle number “Summer in Dublin“. The line is “My humming was smothered by a 46A and the scream of a low flying jet” so, if you ask me, not really a ringing endorsement for the 46A. However, the singer “hopped on a bus to Dun Laoghaire” (those of us in the know are aware that the 46A goes from town to Dun Laoghaire) stopping off to pick up his guitar (honestly, madness even now to get off a bus and hope to get on another any time soon but presumably a lyrical requirement). Bagatelle are not known outside Ireland (other than weirdly for one song in Uruguay) but “Summer in Dublin” is still popular in Ireland with a certain age demographic and their unfortunate children.
My insane husband felt impelled to take the 46A somewhere during the week. How was it? “Very like a bus journey, had to wait ages and then, you know, I was on the bus.”
Dublin bus has put out the old 46A buses for the last day of service and my neighbour posted a picture to which Mr. Waffle commented, perhaps mindful of his recent experience, “Two together – typical!”

Updated to add: More 46A content, was a bus route ever more loved?