It’s freezing here today. Ireland were playing Australia in some kind of game that is half way between Gaelic football and Australian rules football. Mr. Waffle and Daniel went to watch in Croke Park. As Mr. Waffle is a very prepared kind of person, they both had multiple layers and were reasonably toasty throughout. Daniel even had a flask of hot chocolate which his thoughtful father had brought for him. I just picked them up and to add to their happiness, Ireland managed to beat Australia.
On the down side, as I type, Mr. Waffle is upstairs taking off his long johns (purchased many years ago in the Canadian winter and still proving their worth) and even from downstairs I can hear him sneezing and coughing. Alas.
Here in Australia the spin being applied as a result of our loss to Ireland is that ” At least none of our players were injured!” Jim Stynes , an ex Irishman and now sadly deceased , was one of the first Irish players to make it big in our game of Australian Rules and is largely responsible for the annual pilgrimage to Ireland where we usually get beaten soundly. All a bit of fun and an excuse for our guys to do a bit of travel at season’s end, this time via New York where they “trained”. I enjoy reading your blog and am loving NaBloPoMo because I’m never disappointed that there’s nothing to catch up on. Thank you.
Debbie, I am delighted that you are enjoying the blog – sometimes I feel it is only my relatives read and they are obliged to do so really (please don’t stop reading relatives) so a stranger, in Australia to boot, is v. exciting. Having perused the programme for last night’s match, I can tell you that the overall score stands at 9 test wins each. Perhaps we are ahead after last night but all very closely fought etc.
Another encouraging reader from Australia here. I’m not big on football of any type, but I do love your blog, even the posts about sport. Your lives are so different to mine and your writing is wonderful. I feel as though I know you all, and like Debbie, I’m really enjoying NaBloPoMo because there’s always a post when I pop in. Over the years so many blogs have just disappeared, and I worry about the blogger and wonder why, it’s like losing a friend. So thank you for your frequent, and even not so frequent posts. It’s lovely watching your children grow up from afar.
I am not hailing from Australia, I live in Scotland. I have been a regular reader for many moons but don’t often comment. I do enjoy your dry sense of humour and I love reading about your kids, too. They seem full of common sense and remind me of my own. Mine are less witty though. I am not into sports and have nothing to say about today’s post. Just thought I’d say hello.
Gosh, Thalie, Christine, who would have thought that a rather dull post on watching a strange hybrid sport would bring forth such delightful comments. Thank you so much for taking the time to read and comment, I really appreciate it. Also, Christina, please note that children are edited for wit.
I usually read from Kent, and thoroughly endorse the sentiments expressed before. I read your blog with (sometimes) fond memories of times spent with my 3 children. I am currently reading in Dubai, while visiting my son and his family, so I’m enjoying all the fun(?) of a 3 year old and a 6 month old again. So much fun. Keep up the good work .
Thank you, Christine – most kind of you to comment. I hope that you will have the energy to read at all with a 6 month old and a 3 year old. Good luck with that.
Christina, I just realised that I misspelt your name in my last comment. Is there anything more annoying? Abject apologies etc.