Over Christmas Mr. Waffle and I went for a walk along the South Bull Wall which is a wall with a lighthouse at the end of it that sticks out into Dublin bay. Half of Dublin was there (including a child from the boys’ class whose parents had forced him out while we left ours plugged in to the mainframe). The guilt.
They missed the great views out to Wicklow across the bay but they were unmoved when we told them.

Anyhow, this is all by the by. The story I am wending my way gradually towards concerns a couple who were walking towards us. The woman was speaking with great vehemence, “I mean, she’s a monster, unbearable, who even does that?” I listened with interest to hear what the sin was and, apparently, the monster dropped in on them without notice. That was it, that was her sin. Sadly, only my friends M & R do that to us but I love an unexpected drop in. Is it now gone the way of the dodo? My sister tells me that a woman who was in her class in school has a sign up in her driveway saying, “Please respect our privacy and do not call to the door.” This just strikes me as rude. Am I out of touch? What do the young people do?
Please make appropriate prior arrangements to post a blog suchbas this. Otherwise you may startle the horses, you monster….
Only my sister still does the unexpected drop-in on us. And it’s always interesting and often a reason to be cheerful when she does.
Nothing such among the GenZ / slightly-post-millenial offspring because nothing comes as a surprise to them anyway. They seem to be constantly in WhatsApp communion. Or telep@thically connected or something…
I love people dropping in but I understand from the younger people that this is incredibly bad form – almost as bad as telephoning someone.
When I think of the hours and hours I spent on the phone as a teenager…
I suppose that’s true, Conor, they are always in constant communication, so how can it be a surprise?