Herself has rescued her father’s tape deck from his parents’ house. She is delighted with the way it doesn’t know what she’s doing or take a note of what music she’s listening to. She’s pre-ordered Hozier’s new album on tape to take further advantage of this.
She’s started to whisper when there are phones in the room as she points out that they are always listening to us. I know this is true as Siri perks up and talks occasionally, and disconcertingly, when I am at meetings. She is less inclined to do this when I intentionally say, “Hey Siri.”
Lads, I’m beginning to wonder whether we should all go back to the tape deck.
Oh god yes. The cd in my 3-in-1 is knackered, so it’s given me the chance to break out de tapes and re-listen to old stuff again. A new machine has GOT to have a tape deck. Don’t care how long it takes to find one
The tape deck. An idea whose time has come. Again.