I dragged the guys out to the birthplace of Charles Stewart Parnell. I would say mildly successful. We did the walk through the forest treetops (tame) and the slide (impressive looking but surprisingly tame also). I hadn’t planned to do it myself but the bored teenager at the top told me the youngest person down it was 14 weeks (in a parent’s arms) and the oldest 96 so I reckoned I would be ok.

There was no queue which, honestly, was a big part of the attraction. Generally the queue lasts for hours. Yes, really, like a Disney ride.
The house itself has been lovingly restored and it’s worth a visit but the guided tour was a bit too long.

We got to see Kitty O’Shea’s wedding ring made by the man himself from gold panned in the Avoca river.

Mr. Waffle and I went to see a truly awful film called La Syndicaliste mostly because we heard a really amazing podcast about the story it is based on. It was on the regularly excellent Doc on 1 series. It’s about a trade unionist in France who gets attacked. The main character’s name is Maureen Kearney and she’s Irish. They didn’t change the name or delve into the back story in the film. The main character is played by Isabelle Huppert who has a very French accent when she speaks English which is just weird. In the podcast one of the things that strikes one is that even though this woman is married to a French man, has French children and has lived there for years, she is still a foreigner and that element is obviously lost. It’s not a fatal flaw. The fatal flaw is the script which is a real shame as it’s such a good story. I seriously recommend the podcast.
I took Daniel to a GAA match for the first time in ages.

I was traumatised to discover that it was the exact same place that I had taken him the last time I went to a match with him where I got soaked. Did I get soaked again? Yes, yes I did.

But at least I’m not sporting the same kind of injuries as he is.

Thank you for podcast rec- I missed that one. In fact I thought of this blog- specifically your London trip- when I listened to this recently which, because I am now middle aged, I found fascinating:
It’s a two-parter about Samuel Johnson’s servant. V interesting (although note middle-aged caveat above…)
You will not believe this but have already listened. Like the podcast and find the relationship between Anita and William weirdly similar to Kristie and Phil on Location Location Location. Thoughts??
Very nice. I MUST get down and visit this before the summer ends. And imagine getting the gold for your wedding ring from ‘just over there’!!!
Yes indeed. Although he only got enough for half the ring and to make the other half out of silver…