Thursday 21 March
My friend is a friend of the Druid theatre company. She got free (for a certain value of free) tickets to “A Shadow of a Gunman” and brought me along on Thursday. I am not Sean O’Casey’s biggest fan but I quite enjoyed it. There was an interview with the director and some of the actors afterwards. The director pointed out that we are very lucky to have a trio of plays set and written about the time of the founding of the State.
Apparently when “Shadow of a Gunman” (which saved the Abbey’s bacon financially) was first performed the fighting was still going on and the audience had to be warned that any gunshots they heard were part of the performance.
It’s set in a tenement that’s raided by the Black and Tans and I was reminded of Mr. Waffle’s grandmother’s story. Apparently she came home from school and the Black and Tans were barring access to her building. “I have to get in,” she said, “they’re raiding my flat.” “Aha,” said the soldier on the door, “how do you know it’s your flat that’s being raided?” “It’s always our flat,” she said wearily.
Friday 22 March
My sister came to Dublin bearing an enormous quantity of china which I have managed, with some difficulty, to house. She also brought an old kettle which I remember from when I was a child in our old house. Even I can’t explain why I want this.

I also found another recruit for my typewriter breeding programme. Michael has been enjoying playing with both but I have no idea why I have kept them.

, 23 MarchMy sister and I journeyed on the Luas and this very nice young woman offered me her seat. The absolute worst thing about this is that my sister was with me and I fear I will be tortured for eternity or at least until she is old enough to have people offer her a seat. This is the first time this has happened to me and I wouldn’t call myself entirely delighted.
Sunday, 24 March
Mr. Waffle and I went for a long cycle. We saw a quite worthwhile Orpen exhibition in the Phoenix Park which I would recommend. I didn’t know a lot about Orpen the man before going but he seems to have had quite the love life.
This girl is definitely his daughter:

Speculation is that this one might be also:

I came home exhausted and ended up playing a board game which, naturally, I lost. Very tiring. Michael was notified that he is to play the role of “Public Gar” in an exciting student production of “Philadelphia, Here I Come”. Stay tuned for updates.
Monday, 25 March
My father would have been 99 today. Maybe it’s not a total surprise that people are offering me a seat on public transport.