It snowed on Friday. By coincidence, I worked from home on Friday. I almost never work from home. It’s handy for me to get into the office and working from home reminds me of the grim, grim, grim first couple of months of Covid. But I do work from home very occasionally and I was scheduled for my ergonomic workstation assessment which has to be done from your home workstation. You wouldn’t think this would be a source of confusion but it obviously was as I got several reminder emails that you had to be at your home workstation to do it. You will be pleased to hear that my home workstation is entirely ergonomic. I certainly was and quite surprised too.
Anyway, being at home gave me a chance to admire the snow. I remember when it snowed last year and I was on my career break I got to go to the park to admire the snow. But, sure look, snow is snow.

I cannot say that I was equally delighted with the icy rain and slush I had to contend with that evening when (sticking to my principles)
, I cycled to dinner and a comedy gig. The journey there and back again was grim (no actual dragons encountered but does needle sharp rain count as a serious obstacle?). I also felt like I was the oldest person at the comedy gig, not helped by the fact that the comedian’s Dad was a former colleague of mine and the butt of some mild joshing which I very much felt applied to me also mutatis mutandis. Still, overall an enjoyable venture and if my inner smugness about cycling in the appalling weather didn’t keep me warm, at least my waterproofs kept me dry.*This is from a book I read to the children when they were small but, alas, the author’s name eludes me.