Today we go on holidays. In the proper European tradition, we won’t be back until September 1. There is likely to be little blogging during this time, so if I were you, I wouldn’t bother checking here in August. On my return, a full account will be provided of two weeks in Ireland and the brother-in-law’s wedding in Sicily for which Mr. Waffle is already practising his best man speech. He is wandering round the house muttering “inanzitutto vorrei ringraziare – hey, are there any short words in Italian?”
Bonnes vacances then.
on 29 July 2004 at 13:25
A whole month of holidays?? Bloody hell, it’s fine for some. Have a delightful time – I’ll keep an eye out for herself dragging you down Patrick’s Street. I might even give you a free paper – can’t say fairer than that. 😉
Have a great time!
on 29 July 2004 at 18:43
‘Mille grazie – cin cin’ should probably do it, but enjoy yourselves anyway you lucky lucky people.
on 30 July 2004 at 03:12
Hello, I have been reading your site for a little while and love it. I don’t know what I will do with myself for the whole of August without your posts! You better have a fabulous holiday 🙂
Look forward to hearing all your stories!
on 30 July 2004 at 09:47
Have a fantastic time.
on 31 July 2004 at 20:05
Bonnes vacances et ? bient?t !
on 01 September 2004 at 11:30
Thank you, thank you. Delightful time had by all. However, as discussed in post mountains of washing beckon and cannot rely on Princess sleeping indefinitely.
This day three years ago, Mr. Waffle and I got married. Only fancy. It was the only fine day that summer. To celebrate, I thought I might list 10 of the reasons why my husband is perfect: 1. Because he is amusing and entertaining and, better again, he thinks I am amusing and entertaining. 2. Because he’s a genius and knows everything. 3. Because he is always on my side. 4. Because he has never once reproached me for my complete inability to get a job. 5. Because he never says – what do you do all day? 6. Because he is pleased when I spend his money on shoes. 7. Because he gets up at 7.00 with the Princess every Saturday and Sunday and during the week comes home from work and gives her her dinner. 8. Because he plans everything. And insists on getting faxed confirmation of all our bookings. 9. Because when he is annoyed, he grinds his teeth (that’s it, that’s the most annoyed he can do). 10.Because he, very sensibly, chose to marry me (see also point 2 above). on 28 July 2004 at 13:52 What a fabulous husband. I’m directing Jimi over. congratulations on your anniversary
on 28 July 2004 at 15:42 And let’s not forget, of course, that he has a splendid name. Happy anniversary.
More shoes please
on 29 July 2004 at 01:06
Gosh, he sounds wonderful. Best wishes, you two.
on 29 July 2004 at 09:22
Thank you all very much. He is perfect though having to guage your husband’s mood by watching his chin can be tricky..
on 29 July 2004 at 13:31
This Mr Waffle – he sounds a decent chap. Which always helps. Hearty congratulations on your three years. Did you get each other presents? Or did you just buy more shoes?