Just finished this. Very good. Took a while to get into but worth the effort. It had been sitting on my bedside table for some time saying “I’m a hardback and a birthday present, are you ever going to read me?”Am now looking at the remainder of my bedside pile with some alarm; it is somewhat worthy. Which of the following should I tackle:
“The Bridge over the Drina” by Ivo Andric
“Le Bébé” by Marie Darrieussecq (in French please note, a pressie from the French mama)
“The Blindfold” by Siri Hustvedt (I know that I thought that “What I loved” was brilliant but this is from her back catalogue, suppose it’s disappointing)
“No Vague Utopia” by Emily Cullen (a book of poetry, ok maybe not for reading cover to cover at a sitting).
“Guns, germs and steel” by Jared Diamond (this is very good, but you need to stick with it and every time I get about 100 pages in I abandon for a couple of months and have to start all over again and, to be honest, I’m getting a little tired of the first 100 pages.)
Maybe I’ll just leave them all fester a little longer and reread “Pride and Prejudice”.

Eh? 15 what? 0
Sweetie(s) given ���
on 11 May 2004 at 15:31
Andy Warholics….
God, some people don’t even read their own postings…
😛 0 Sweetie(s) given
on 11 May 2004 at 15:39
Well, I’m a busy person. I see, Andy Warhol, 15 mins etc. Yes, please do be one of my 15 people. I don’t think that I’ve actually made it to 15 yet so you’re getting in on the ground floor. Furthermore, I think that you are the ONLY person who reads this part of my weblog and, as such, you certainly deserve to be one of my 15.. 0
Sweetie(s) given
Ahh, you’re nice.
You confused me, by the way. That was my Guts & Tripe posting, not my Cher one… 0
Sweetie(s) given
on 11 May 2004 at 15:52
Oh dear, well, there you go, as discussed previously, motherhood melts the mind, speaking of which, I should log off and bond with my baby.