We had no electricity for a full day the weekend before last. Very challenging. They laughed at me when I said that we needed candles in stock. They’re not laughing now. The boys spent the afternoon playing card games by candle light with my sister’s partner. And we went out to dinner.
This was the scene at 9 on Saturday night when we went to bed.

There was great rejoicing when it came back on and we spent all day Sunday being grateful for electricity and heat (the Aga was still blaring out heat and we lit a fire but the central heating was not working) but we’re back to our usual blasé selves now. Our agony was made worse by the fact that it was only some houses on the street were affected and our neighbours on either side had light and heat.
We went to see the newly opened Custom House Museum which is mildly interesting. It was nice to wander around the building and have its history explained but not fascinating now. It was free as their card machine was broken. We take our wins where we can.

Daniel read at mass today – really good, in fairness to him. This afternoon, Mr. Waffle and I took a ride on our bikes in the park and spared the boys. Michael stayed contentedly at home and Daniel went to watch his hurling team (he can’t play at the moment due to his shoulder injury).

It’s all thrills around here. Ahem. Satisfactory nonetheless.