My friend M’s father died recently. They thought he would make 100 but he didn’t; he had a long and happy life and died at home surrounded by his family. He was very well until the last year of his life, in fact, he only finally gave up driving at 95 and shooting at 92 (some relief in relation to the latter, I think).
M’s father was born in 1915 and his own father was an old man when he was born, having been born in 1845. When M’s father was young, he remembered his father telling him about people calling to the door of the farmhouse in Tipperary, starving in the wake of the Famine. It seems extraordinary that someone with such a close link to the Famine should only have died earlier this month, I suppose he must be the last person to have had a parent who survived the Great Famine.
Wow! This surely is a story that should be in the national papers. M’s grandfather survived the famine. What a long lived family.
Ken, I know! Should have made the Examiner anyway; he was buried in Cork.
And the Examiner is less likely to drop typographical / copy-edit clangers around the place…. just to annoy you.
Actually, Conor, that’s not the case…regrettably.