Yes, indeed, it is November and National Blog Posting Month is upon us. I checked my archives and I have been doing this since 2006. Mr. Waffle who, among his other duties, is chair of the residents’ committee is, as I write, holding a meeting in the kitchen. This means I am kneeling while typing as they needed all the chairs. Truly, my dedication knows no bounds. Herself says I am typing like a meerkat. More to follow. All month long.
Best of luck with NaBloPoMo. I’m always impressed with the quality and quantity of your blog posts, so it is almost gilding the lily to accept this challenge. Incidentally, which nation does the Na refer to?
Thank you, thank you. Trust you will stick with it. Na is the US – November is National Write a Novel Month (you have to love American ambition) but it was scaled back for bloggers. Nice avatar by the way – Daumier?