Former colleague: Can you get out for drinks on Friday night?
Me: No, sorry, I’m going to French karaoke at the Alliance with Mr. Waffle and the kids.
Him: You win being middle-class.
It was quite good actually. We sang a song (La Mer– it sounded exactly like it does in the video at the link) and if herself hadn’t been ill with a cold and Michael hadn’t spent the evening with his fingers in his ears and his head on the table, I think we could have ranked it among our successes.
As Zig, or maybe Zag , once said, “oooh la la Pierre!”
I hope you will be learning “Connemara” next.
Eimear, we actually asked for Connemara! But sadly, it was not among their 10,000 karaoke songs which we all thought pretty poor including the woman with the machine.
Oh la la indeed.