A couple of weeks ago, I was cycling back to my, very traditional, workplace after lunch wearing my, very traditional, work suit when I had to stop to walk past the Extinction Rebellion installation. As I looked in, who did I see, with her face painted with leaves, only one of the Princess’s friends from primary school. I called out to her and she trotted across to me with a big smile. We had a friendly chat across the barricades and she explained that despite her very best efforts, she had not been arrested. The Guards said that she was too young to be arrested. “Where is [herself]?” she asked. “At school,” I said offering up silent thanks and asked, “Why aren’t you at school?” She paused and then offered, “My parents are hippies?” Fair enough, I suppose.
Watch this space, your daughter has probably been on the organising committee for Extinction rebellion from the beginning. The school has not told you because they thought your daughter had told you and she thinks (officially at any rate) that the school has told you. The leaf design was completed to her design template. Obviously your daughter does not appear on the front line, the organisers of these revolutions are always a couple of steps removed, see Trotsky et al. See cat genes, be very afraid…..
God, I wouldn’t be a bit surprised.