On Saturday night we had “Rouge” from the French film festival for cinema night. Honestly, the excitement of seeing something new was thrilling. Mr. Waffle was able to book a slot and stream it from his laptop via the projector onto the screen. This, frankly, opens up a whole world of films for cinema night. The film itself was billed as the French “Erin Brocavich”. And, yes, imagine Erin Brocavich as made in France: not much humour and a fair bit more nuance. It was good but I’m still a bit traumatised.
I bought Christmas leaf teas in Lidl and spent all weekend sampling them. Delighted with myself.

Daniel spent a good while on Saturday working away at his physics problems for this outside school course he is doing during Transition Year. He got through them and was quite pleased with himself. On Sunday he cycled to and from training in the rain and was much happier than you might expect afterwards. Particularly in view of the fact that he appeared to have lost much of the epidermal layer on the left side of his body following what I can only imagine was a spectacular sliding tackle on the astro turf pitch.
Mr. Waffle and I made Michael go for a walk around the block with us in the rain so that another weekend would not pass wherein he had not seen outside. Herself spent most of the weekend studying in line with a punishing schedule she has devised for herself. She did take a brief break on Sunday afternoon to go for a walk with a friend in the rain.
I forgot to mention that our lovely childminder who we had for years sent the boys a birthday present which arrived in the post on Monday. He went back to Paris to work as a tour guide and I worry that he is on the breadline (it is not a good year for tour guides) and shelling out from his savings to send them presents. I do hope not. The boys were genuinely delighted to get his card and present though which was nice.
And still no cleaning rota. There had better be a plan to exit level 5 soon or the house may become a health hazard.
Poor Michael! Truly he saw The Whole of the Moon. Also poor maimed D and poor Princess in the rain. What a time to be young. We also had a walk, post rain, and S sat in a giant puddle (‘I’m having a cool dip’)
What a time to be young indeed. S seems to be getting great value from it.
Are those teas in proper tin caddies?
Yes, they are, TM, yes they are and I can recommend them.