I used to be really indignant about how Christmas started shortly before Halloween but not any more.
I have thrown my hat at it, I rejoice at the sparkling decorations. I am ready for Christmas music. I will get many of my decorations out of the shed at the start of December and I will deploy my Christmas ware shortly (incidentally, the Princess tells me she loathes it, I am crushed; someone else will be getting it in the will is all I can say.). I won’t even wait for the traditional starting gun of December 8 (Feast of the Immaculate Conception and formerly a holiday when the whole country did its Christmas shopping now deep in the Christmas season).
Slightly related, I see that vandals have destroyed Scrooge’s gravestone in Shrewsbury which my friend took me to visit when I was there. What a shame and hardly in the spirit of the extended season.
In final early Christmas news, even I draw the line at the rather gloomy Christmas decorations that have appeared in the corridor at work. Somehow worse than nothing at all.

Tell me, where do you stand on Christmas in November?