All last week I had a sore throat but Friday to Tuesday it got really miserable and I couldnÂ’t swallow. Mercifully, the parents-in-law were here to baby mind and I was able to nap during the day but I hadnÂ’t really expected to spend most of their stay languishing in bed. Nights were particularly miserable and, at least once every night, I found myself standing at the microwave (heating a bottle), weeping (the pain, the exhaustion) and drooling (the inability to swallow) and hearing the boys wailing in the background. All is much better now though, however, if you subscribe to any religion please beg your gods to ensure that it is not passed on to any of my many children.
Incidentally, I stocked up on a number of over the counter remedies to try to address my symptoms, most of which were useless but especially useless was a throat spray rejoicing in the name of “Neogolaseptine®”. You can see, of course, why they decided on this as a registered trademark. It’s a name to conjure with really. In my mind’s
eye, I see them all brainstorming “what kind of name can we use which will inspire consumers with confidence, give them a clear idea what the product does and stick in their memories?” They must all have been delighted when they came up with Neogolaseptine.
on 03 November 2005 at 15:25
Poor Waffly. All sympathies. I’m revoltingly throaty and snotty too. But I don’t have three small children. Did I mention that you get all the sympathy?
on 03 November 2005 at 15:31
Ouch! poor you- that sounds truly miserable. Not to mention the Neogolaseptine… 2
Sweetie(s) given
on 03 November 2005 at 19:13
Thanks be that you’re back. I was afraid you were ill, after all that regular posting, and then NOTHING. Either that or that you had hired yet more help and were on a marathon bout of shoe shopping. Feel better!
on 03 November 2005 at 21:27
Lauren, like my daughter, I occasionally have difficulties stringing English sentences together.
Norah, you are kind and good. As are you Minks.
Kristin, I am touched by your concern and much better.

neogola sounds like near-goal, like they were watching a footie match and it came to them what to call it.
Really, that’s as likely an explanation as any.